v1.90 Advanced Woo Labels Pro Free Download – Product Labels for WooCommerce [By ILLID]

With the Advanced Woo Labels plugin you can easily create labels/badges for any of your WooCommerce products. Use label conditions to show labels only for specific product, page or user. Customize labels styles with build-in options.

Download “Advanced Woo Labels Pro plugin” for free


Additional features available only in PRO plugin version.

  • Image labels. Use one of predefined images as a product label or upload your custom one. Additionally it is possible to use SVG images.
  • Emojis support: Use any emoji inside the text label. Mix theme with text variables, plain text or other emojis.
  • More product conditions: show WooCommerce labels based on product type, age, sale date, sales number, taxonomy, attributes, custom fields, etc.
  • More user conditions: show labels only for users from certain countries, with specific devices, language, based on products in the cart or specific shop stats ( example: average products costs inside cart ).
  • Page conditions: show labels only on specific page templates, page types or archive pages.
  • Date conditions: show labels only on certains dates, time or day of week.
  • More text variables: attributes, taxonomies, custom fields, sales number, reviews number, rating.
  • Labels styling: borders, shadows, additional shapes.
  • Label links: add any custom link inside your label. So now your product labels not just tell users some important information but can contain some useful links.
  • ACF plugin support: advanced integration with Advanced Custom Fields plugin. Show value of any ACF field inside label. Also set label display conditions based on ACF fields values.
  • WCFM plugin support: advanced integration with WCFM Multivendor Marketplace plugin. Show vendor related data inside product labels and create special labels display conditions based on these data.
  • Dokan plugin support: advanced integration with Dokan WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace. Show product vendor information inside labels and use label display conditions based on Dokan vendor data.

Advanced Woo Labels PRO

AWL PRO includes all features available in the free plugin version plus many more other cool stuff like image labels, emojis support, labels link, additional style, display condition, text variables and many more.



1.90 ( 25.03.2024 )

Add – Support for WPBakery plugin
Update – Tested with WC 8.7
Update – Support for Xstore theme
Update – Add confirm window for hooks option inside plugin settings page
Update – Support for Woodmart theme

1.89 ( 12.03.2024 )

Add – STOCK_STATUS text variable

1.88 ( 26.02.2024 )

Add – New option to hide labels for all loop blocks
Update – Tested with WC 8.6
Update – Integration with YITH WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts plugin
Update – Integration for Woo Discount Rules plugin
Update – Support for Xstore theme
Update – Plugin settings page text
Update – Add support for WooCommerce blocks
Fix – Integration with Product Slider for WooCommerce plugin
Dev – Add awl_enable_discounts_cache filter

1.87 ( 12.02.2024 )

Update – Description for text variables
Fix – Bug with products grid block integration callback

1.86 ( 05.02.2024 )

Add – Support for Elessi theme

1.85 ( 22.01.2024 )

Update – Tested with WC 8.5
Fix – Integration for XStore theme

1.84 ( 08.01.2024 )

Update – Add new integration admin notice
Update – Admin settings page view. New layout for label text variables
Update – Fix integration with Woodmart theme. Hide default sale badges

1.83 ( 18.12.2023 )

Update – Support for The7 theme
Update – Tested with WC 8.4

1.82 ( 27.11.2023 )

Update – Avada theme support. Hide default sale badge
Update – Tested with WC 8.3

1.81 ( 14.11.2023 )

Add – Support for Woostify theme

Fix – Bug with special characters inside text variables

Fix – ACF plugin support. Fix big with special chars for fields names when using text variables

1.80 ( 30.10.2023 )

Update – Support for Neve theme

1.79 ( 16.10.2023 )

Add – Support for WooPack plugin

Update – Tested with WC 8.2

Fix – Integration with WPML plugin. Fix bug with conditions rules empty array

Fix – Bug with empty value for label display conditions

1.78 ( 29.09.2023 )

Add – Support for Premium Addons for Elementor plugin

Add – Support for Virtue theme

Add – Support for TeeSpace theme
Download “Advanced Woo Labels Pro plugin” for free
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