Robust (v2.1) – Premium Bootstrap 4 Admin, Dashboard & WebApp Kit Template Free Download

Robust Premium Bootstrap 4 Admin, Dashboard & WebApp Kit Template Free Download – a dynamic and feature-rich solution designed to meet the diverse needs of web applications, ranging from project management and eCommerce backends to CRM, analytics, fitness, and custom admin panels. This premium admin template stands out with its powerful features, aesthetic appeal, and adaptability across various devices.

Robust Free Download
  1. Multipurpose Functionality: Robust is a multipurpose admin template that caters to a wide spectrum of web applications. Whether you’re managing projects, running eCommerce operations, handling customer relationship management (CRM), analyzing data analytics, or overseeing fitness platforms, Robust provides a solid foundation for diverse applications.
  2. Bootstrap 4 Powered: Built on the foundation of Twitter Bootstrap 4, Robust inherits the strengths of this widely acclaimed front-end framework. Bootstrap 4 ensures a responsive and mobile-friendly design, making Robust accessible and visually appealing across desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.
  3. Niche Dashboards: Robust comes equipped with five niche dashboards, each tailored to specific application scenarios. These dashboards provide a starting point for developers and businesses, enabling quick setup and customization for their unique needs.
  4. HTML5, SASS, and GRUNT: Embracing modern web development technologies, Robust is powered by HTML5 for enhanced structure, SASS for efficient styling, and GRUNT for task automation. This tech stack ensures a seamless and streamlined development process, allowing for scalability and maintainability.
  5. Responsive Design: The responsive design of Robust Premium Bootstrap 4 Admin, Dashboard & WebApp Kit Template Nulled ensures that the admin template looks and functions optimally on various screen sizes. Whether users are accessing the application from a desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone, Robust provides a consistent and user-friendly experience.
  6. Starter Kit: Robust includes a starter kit that accelerates the development process. This kit serves as a foundation for developers to kickstart their projects, saving time and effort. The starter kit is designed to be flexible, enabling customization according to specific project requirements.
  7. User-Friendly Interface: A user-friendly interface is a hallmark of Robust. The template prioritizes ease of use and navigation, ensuring that administrators and users can interact with the web application intuitively. This contributes to a positive user experience and efficient workflow.
  8. Customization Options: Recognizing the diversity of web applications, Robust offers extensive customization options. Developers can tailor the admin template to align with the branding, color schemes, and design preferences of their projects or organizations. This level of customization ensures a unique and distinctive look for each implementation.
  9. Highly Adaptable: Robust’s adaptability is a standout feature, making it suitable for a wide range of industries and purposes. Its versatility allows it to seamlessly integrate into different domains, serving as the backbone for administrative tasks, data management, and user interactions.
  10. Regular Updates and Support: The developers behind Robust Free Download are committed to providing regular updates, ensuring compatibility with the latest web standards and technologies. Ongoing support is available to address inquiries, troubleshoot issues, and assist users in maximizing the potential of the admin template.
  11. Cross-Browser Compatibility: Robust is designed to be compatible with various web browsers, ensuring a consistent experience for users regardless of their browser preferences. This cross-browser compatibility enhances the reach and accessibility of the web application.
  12. Optimized Performance: Prioritizing performance optimization, Robust Nulled is crafted to deliver a fast and efficient user experience. The template is engineered to minimize loading times and resource consumption, contributing to a smooth and responsive application.

The Robust Premium Bootstrap 4 Admin Template emerges as a dynamic and comprehensive solution for web applications requiring robust admin interfaces. With its multipurpose functionality, Bootstrap 4 foundation, niche dashboards, modern technologies, responsive design, customization options, and ongoing support, Robust empowers developers and businesses to create and manage web applications with efficiency and style. Elevate your web development projects with Robust – a premium admin template that combines versatility with sophistication.

Robust Free Download


26 November 2018 – Version 2.1

Updated : Bootstrap v4.1.3
Updated : js/css plugins/libraries
Updated : Starter Kit
Updated : Documentation
Removed : Grunt Task Runner
Removed : Pug Template Builder
Fixed : Chart JS IE issue
Fixed : Fullcalendar for Mobile View

24 March 2018 – Version 2.0

Simple Line Icons
Chat application page
Email application page
Checkout Page
Pricing Page
New cards & widgets
New components
Square and Round buttons in components
popper js
Dynamic assets and app-assets path for pug
Customizer for checking various option in demo
Updated to Bootstrap 4 stable
Converted all Jade files to Pug
Updated Grunt and Gulp packages
jQuery to latest version
Bootstrap js
Sweet alert plugin
Ratings plugin
Noui slider
Dropzone file uploader
Image cropper
jquery.twbspagination js
imagesloaded.pkgd js
video js & css
jquery.repeater js
Select2 js
jquery validation js
masonry.pkgd js
daterangepicker js
bootstrap-datetimepicker js & css
moment-with-locales js
animate css
Improved menu collapse/expand animation
Updated Documentation
Changed font face from system fonts to Muli & Open Sans
Updated spacing & Styling
Horizontal timeline
Top spacing on small screen for horizontal layouts.
Starter kit error on console on click of reload button.
Center align footer on horizontal center layout.
Align properly send button on mega menu contact form for RTL.
In RTL, Collapse menu icon alignment fixed
Color variable changes from assets scss file was not affecting
FPS Line Icons
Ico Moon
Evil Icons
tether js

16 March 2017 – Version 1.2

Added Gulp support for template generation
Optimized and distributed grunt file
Include csscomb for beautiful css code.
New JADE structure &b variables for better performance and template generation.
CSS & JS Optimization for better performance and speed.
Created new src folder for sourcs files and moved jade, scss and core js files in it.
Renamed folder robust-assets to app-assets
Renamed folder robust-builder to template-builder
Renamed demo-data folder to data
Vendor CSS and JS files moved to app-assets/vendors folder
Folder locales moved to data
Folder ico moved to images
Folder doc-images moved to images
Renamed components.scss, robust-variables.scss file to app.scss, app-variables.scss
Renamed bootstrap-robust.scss file to bootstrap-extended.scss
Renamed robust.js & robust-menu.js to app.js & app-menu.js
Renamed robust to app everywhare in css and js classes (.robust-content, .robust-shape changesd to .app-content, .app-shape).
Active menu class for compact menu items and sub menu items.
Open selected menu by default for compact menu.
jQuery dialog
Advance cards menu
jQuery file upload console error
echarts console error
Table components console error
0/5 (0 Reviews)

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