We offer check Memberpress, Ultimate Membership Pro, Paid Membership Pro, Restrict Content Pro plugins before made a decision. Here is the Ultimate Member Pro free download link (The package including all pro addons and theme):
Ultimate Member Pro nulled is the #1 user profile & membership plugin for WordPress. The plugin makes it a breeze for users to sign-up and become members of your website. The plugin allows you to add beautiful user profiles to your site and is perfect for creating advanced online communities and membership sites. Lightweight and highly extendible, Ultimate Member will enable you to create almost any type of site where users can join and become members with absolute ease.
- Front-end user profiles
- Front-end user registration
- Front-end user login
- Custom form fields
- Conditional logic for form fields
- Drag and drop form builder
- User account page
- Custom user roles
- Member directories
- User emails
- Content restriction
- Conditional nav menus
- Show author posts & comments on user profiles
- Developer friendly with dozens of actions and filters
Ultimate Member Pro Changelog
2.8.6 2024-05-22
- Added: Member Directory > Admin Filtering supports datepicker and timepicker filter-types with only “From” or “To” filled value
- Added: Ability to customize modal templates upload-single.php and view-photo.php
- Added: New FontAwesome library. Version 6.5.2
- Fixed: Using HTML in the block restriction message. Replaced escaper to wp_kses sanitize while saving
- Fixed: Getting user capabilities without role
- Fixed: YouTube validation when field value is empty
- Fixed: Social URLs sanitizing where user can put his social username (e.g. Instagram, Facebook)
- Fixed: Using only published forms and member directories IDs on predefined pages installation
- Fixed: Member Directory before query hook when custom meta table is active
- Fixed: Unique email validation
- Fixed: Displaying asterisk on the Profile > View Mode
- Fixed: PHP errors while upgrade from 1.3.x version
- Fixed: Rating field view
- Fixed: Sorting by last login value when “Hide my last login” is set
- Fixed: PHP errors while uploading files
- Fixed: Parsing error on the license activation
Templates required update
- Renamed templates/modal/um_upload_single.php → templates/modal/upload-single.php
- Renamed templates/modal/um_view_photo.php → templates/modal/view-photo.php
Cached and optimized/minified assets(JS/CSS) must be flushed/re-generated after upgrade
2.8.4 2024-03-06 Enhancements Tweak: Added separate file for full changelog. readme.txt shows only a few latest versions Bugfixes Fixed: Member directory data sanitizing (CVE-2024-2123) Fixed: Activation link time changed from seconds to days Fixed: Password validation error Fixed: Password reset url for the approved user who didn’t set their password after registration without password Fixed: Conflict with WebP Uploads 2.8.3 2024-02-19 Enhancements Added: Link to the Ultimate Member docs Tweak: Ultimate Member > Settings redesign. More details about setting up. Tooltips changed to descriptions. Bugfixes Fixed: Member directory queries to custom usermeta table properly escaped and validated Fixed: Member directory custom sorting when wp_usermeta table is used Fixed: aria-invalid attribute for the user description field Fixed: wp_kses protocols for email notifications content Fixed: PHP notice while registration form validation Fixed: Field validations (English letters, Alpha-numeric types) Fixed: Hidden buttons in the modal when uploading profile and cover photo Fixed: Theme updater log message Fixed: Search line shortcode layout Fixed: PHP notice while login form submission Fixed: Email notifications HTML layout Fixed: Default email notification body color Fixed: Ignore username slug when custom meta slug exists when parse user from query Templates required update email/notification_deletion.php email/notification_new_user.php email/notification_review.php email/welcome_email.php password-change.php Cached and optimized/minified assets(JS/CSS) must be flushed/re-generated after upgrade 2.8.2 2024-01-15 Enhancements Added: The data protocol for embedding base64 encoded logos in emails Added: Hook um_access_restricted_post_instance for filtering the restricted post instance Added: Shortcode [um_author_profile_link] for getting user Profile URL Updated: Using underscore.js native debounce method for resize handler Updated: Texts spelling Bugfixes Fixed: AJAX requests conflict with um_current_locale attribute Fixed: Pickadate styling (Date & Time fields) in wp-admin screen Fixed: RTL styling and removed um class from UM frontend predefined pages Fixed: select2 conflict with Impreza theme Fixed: cropper conflict with Avada theme and active Fusion Image lazyload Fixed: MegaMenu conflict with nav menu items conditional settings (e.g. Newsletter theme) Fixed: PHP Fatal error when there isn’t a proper WP_Post object in UM User Profile > Posts loop Fixed: Account styles Fixed: Saving um_form_version postmeta Templates required update profile/posts-single.php Cached and optimized/minified assets(JS/CSS) must be flushed/re-generated after upgrade